Dog Botherers: Role Call-

These characters are (almost) entirely fictional and any resemblance to persons living, dead, omnipresent or not me is entirely coincidental and in the case of Stickman, just plain scary.

Name: Chris

Bio: Sent from deep space to protect the earth from an onslaught of rabid, mutant, tennis balls sent by his arch nemesis, Ian, Chris remains on our planet, vowing to up hold truth, justice and the bakers right to count badly.
Though he is able to blend inconspicuously into human society, Chris is imbued with superhuman laziness and the ability to fold his tongue behind his tonsils.
The character Chris also bears absolutely no resemblance to the author of the strip. Honest.

Name: Stickman

Bio: Stickman, Chris's trusty, non-descript sidekick. Born as the result of botched experiments to breed the ultimate pasta chef by impregnating a human woman with spaggetti DNA, Stickman has always faced adversity in life. From the insults of school bullies to the various problems arising from having to fit all your vital organs into a 2 dimensional line Stickman has had it tough. But, y'know, he's not to fussed about it.

Name: God

Bio: Bio? the guys omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent and eternal. I soooo can't be bothered writing a bio. Go read a bible or something.

Name: Satan

Bio: Prince of Darkness, Tempter of the righteous, avid bridge player and all Hell freestyle skiing champion 6476 years running.